Shortcode List
1. [bpscheduler_booking_form]
You can add attributes to the shortcode to filter the location, service and service provider options.
[bpscheduler_booking_form location_ids="1,2" staff_ids="3,4" service_ids="5,6"]
1 and 2 are the two IDs of locations you want to filter. 3 and 4 are the two IDs of staff members you want to filter. 5 and 6 are the IDs of services you want to filter.
Here is an example on how to find the ID of your item. There are two locations in your system, ‘West Hollywood’ and ‘Beverly Hills’.
To find the ID of ‘Beverly Hills’, hover on ‘Beverly Hills’. You will find the link at the bottom left corner. The ID of ‘Beverly Hills’ is the value of the ‘post’ attribute. In this case, it is 4.
You can also add an ‘date’attribute to set the start date of the calendar.
[bpscheduler_booking_form date='12/01/2013']
The date format should be MM/DD/YYYY
Note: using parameters to filter location, provider or services is only supported in Business and upper editions.
2. [bpscheduler_public_calendar]
You can add a public calendar to a web page using the shortcode [bpscheduler_public_calendar title="{service_name} - {client_name}-{appointment_duration}" location_ids="1,2" staff_ids="3,4" default_view="day" show_external_events="yes"]
The public calendar looks like the calendar in WP Admin. You can view appointments in the public calendar, but can not add appointments there.
The appointment info displayed in the public calendar can be customized by adding tags to the title attribute. All available tags are listed here.
3. [bpscheduler_cancel_appointment]
USE: This shortcode is tobe added into the appointment cancellation page. For more info, please refer to this document.
4. [bpscheduler_reschedule_appointment]
USE: This shortcode is tobe added into the appointment reschedule page. For more info, please refer to this document.