Customize Booking Form

Notice: This feature is only supported in Business and Business+ editions

Under ‘Form Builder’ tab, you can design your own booking form based on your business needs. There are two areas to complete when creating a booking form: Appointment Info and Customer Info.The Appointment Info area contains the fields about the appointment, like ‘location’, ’service’, ’service provider’, ’date&time’ and ‘notes’.

Appointment Info


The Customer Info area contains the fields about the customer, like ‘name’, ’email’, ’phone’ and ’address’.

The booking form may contain two types of fields: system fields and custom fields.System fields can be renamed but not hidden. Those fields include: ‘Location’, ‘Service’, ‘Service Provider’, ‘Date & Time’, ‘Your Info’, ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’, ‘Email’, ‘Password’ and ‘Submit’.

Custom fields can be added, hidden or renamed. Currently,  form builder supports a number of field types: Single Line Text, Paragraph Text, Drop Down, Checkboxs and Radio Buttons.

To add a custom field, just click the corresponding field type button. A new field will be added to the bottom of the form. Then you can drag the field to the right position.

To edit a field, simply hover on the field, and click ‘Edit’ at the right top corner. You can rename the field and set its visibility.

You can also edit the ‘Submit’ button to customize booking confirmation text or set the redirection page.