Change order of Services?

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Scheduler Forums BirchPress Scheduler Change order of Services?

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  John King 7 years ago.

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  • #8197

    Ezra Cohen

    Hello. My developer set up a site for me and in it all the Services look roughly like:

    Tour 1 Person
    Tour 2 People
    Tour 3 People
    Tour 4 People
    Tour Group

    When I created a new Tour page I ended up with:

    Tour Group
    Tour 1 Person
    Tour 2 People
    Tour 3 People
    Tour 4 People

    I would like to keep it the way it is across the rest of the site but nothing I or my developer do changes the order. We both fiddled with the date of creation and then deleted the options completely and reentered them in the order the others went in. Same result.

    How can I reorder?



    John King

    I had the same problem yesterday but managed to figure out a solution in the pro business solution.

    Add the following to custom code php for the appointment scheduler.

    add_filter(‘birchschedule_model_get_services_listing_order’, ‘birchschedule_cc_model_get_services_listing_order’, 20);

    function birchschedule_cc_model_get_services_listing_order() {
    return array(10503,10502,10501,10500,10499,10498,10497,10496);

    The array of numbers are the service ID’s which you can find either in wordpress or by have a look at the generated HTML.

    Hope it works for you.


    Andrew Brown

    I tried entering the PHP code above and it doesn’t seem to reorder my services? If I am understanding correctly the “Service ID” are the post numbers from WordPress?

    You can view my form at the website below. We want the order to be individual, couple, family.

    Change order of Services?


    Andrew Brown

    For some reason the link didn’t attach to my last message:

    Booking Form

    Change order of Services?


    Andrew Brown

    Sorry, I pasted the link wrong twice. My apologies.




    Please follow the first explanation in this guide.


    Mila Bozic

    Hello Dear John King,

    Thank you so much for your precious advices.

    Please could you explain me more in details where do I have to paste the folowing code:

    add_filter(‘birchschedule_model_get_services_listing_order’, ‘birchschedule_cc_model_get_services_listing_order’, 20);

    function birchschedule_cc_model_get_services_listing_order() {
    return array(1478,1486,1484,1487,1488,1482,1483,1479,1480,1485,1509,1510,1505);

    You can see in the code the ID’s of my services in the order I would like them to be.

    I am trying to paste the code directly in the page content of the bookings, like that:


    add_filter(‘birchschedule_model_get_services_listing_order’, ‘birchschedule_cc_model_get_services_listing_order’, 20);

    function birchschedule_cc_model_get_services_listing_order() {
    return array(1478,1486,1484,1487,1488,1482,1483,1479,1480,1485,1509,1510,1505);

    But as you can guess, it doesnt work.

    To summarize my question is where to paste the code? You are explaining about “custom code php” but I don’t know where or what it is? Sorry for my very starter level in Websites buiding.

    Thank you in advandce for your so kind help,

    Kind Regards,

    Mila from Switzerland


    John King

    Go to appointments -> settings -> custom code
    and paste it into the php section.


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