Yahoo Cal syncs instantly but…

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Scheduler Forums BirchPress Scheduler Yahoo Cal syncs instantly but…

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  support 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Rob Schlossberg

    Syncing schedule to Google Calendar and Outlook took hours and was causing double booking on my end, but Yahoo calendar syncs instantly. They have a manual refresh. Any appointment set up in Birchpress is instantly updated on Yahoo Calendar. Unfortunately I can’t figure out how to sync from Yahoo to birchpress to block off times. Adding the yahoo calendar address to birchpress doesn’t seem to do the trick.

    Anybody out there using Yahoo successfully?



    Hi Rob,

    I got it synced successfully. How did you do that?
    What I did is: Go to Yahoo Calendar, click on the calendar you want to sync, select the ‘share…’, in the popped up box, copy the ical address in the ‘Share with iCal Address’. And paste it to the Scheduler>Staff>Calendar Integration section.


    Rob Schlossberg

    Thanks, I did the same thing, but it wouldn’t sync. So I added a new calendar and shared that with the ical address and it worked fine.

    For some reason, the default yahoo calendar appts just wouldn’t sync. Now that I have a dedicated calendar, it works great.

    Funny that Yahoo would have the best functioning calendar out there.

    Here is a quote from Google tech support:
    Hello Robert,

    Thank you for your time, it was a pleasure speaking with you. I understand you are inquiring about internet Calendars taking a while to propagate in the Google Calendar.

    Please be aware Google Calendar can take up to 24 hours to propagate. Typically other application may take the same time.

    I understand your concern I will file a feature request in order for this propagtion period to be looked out by one of the Calendar Engineers.

    Feel free to reply back if you need additional assistance, thanks in advance.

    Google Enterprise Support



    I used the default yahoo calendar and it worked fine. I think yahoo is doing better now.
    Hope your inquiry could make some changes. As far as I know, people have been complaining about this delay of google calendar for years. But nothing changed.

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