Upgrade from personal to business

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Scheduler Forums BirchPress Scheduler Upgrade from personal to business

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  zirzy 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #32462

    Franziska Baron


    i want to upgrade my personal birch press scheduler plugin to business and i am not sure how to do this. Is it the same way like from the free version to premium which is described in the FAQs?




    Hi Franziska,

    Have you purchased the business edition?


    Franziska Baron

    Hello Jennifer,

    yes i already purchased the business edition. Before that i had the personal edition. On your Website is only a description how to upgrade from free to premium. So i already have the premium personal edition and want to upgrade to the business edition. Is it the same which is described in the FAQs?




    You need delete the personal edition, and install the business one manually.



    Thanks for fast reply!

    The FAG page says like this:
    “2. Delete the free Scheduler. You will be asked if you want to delete these files and data. Click ‘Yes, Delete these files and data’.”

    If I delete free Scheduler, it doesn’t delete all data? I do not understand now.. 🙂

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