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  • #11903

    John King


    My client has been using birchpress for approx 6 months now. Everything is working fine however the speed of the system seems to be slowing as more data is added.

    Are there any tips / tricks for increasing the speed (e.g. indexing, etc) of the overall application?




    Hi John,

    If there are lots of appointments in the database, you might need to delete them to improve the performance. We will add functionality to delete past appointments in the coming version.


    John King

    Thanks Luke – any idea when the next version will be released?



    This feature is being developed. We will release the new version asap.


    John King

    Thanks Luke


    Keith Humphries

    Is this feature developed in the latest release? I feel like all the old appointments and bogging down our system. Isn’t there some script you can put in the database that say if an appointment is older than 5 days… delete that entry?
    My hosting provider is trying to push me to a VPS and charge me a ton of money monthly. And i have a feeling it’s because of this plug-in not being self-sustainable or optimized too well. Please help!




    Please use the following code in Setting -> Custom Code -> PHP to clean up old appointments.

    global $birchschedule, $birchpress;
    $start = $birchpress->util->get_wp_datetime(array(
     'date' => '07/25/2014',
     'time' => 0
    $start = $start->format('U');
    $end = $birchpress->util->get_wp_datetime(array(
     'date' => '07/26/2014',
     'time' => 0
    $end = $end->format('U');
    $birchschedule->model->booking->delete_appointments($start, $end, -1, -1);

    As there is max execution time limit for PHP, please clean it month by month.


    Wim De Nocker

    When trying to apply the above code, I run into the following error:
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message '<delete_appointments> is undefined in namespace <birchschedule.model.booking>'

    Installed the latest birchpress 2.9.3 version.



    As for version 2.9, please use the following code.

    global $birchschedule, $birchpress;
    $start = $birchpress->util->get_wp_datetime(array(
     'date' => '07/27/2014',
     'time' => 0
    $start = $start->format('U');
    $end = $birchpress->util->get_wp_datetime(array(
     'date' => '07/29/2014',
     'time' => 0
    $end = $end->format('U');
    $criteria = array(
    	'start' => $start,
    	'end' => $end,
    	'location_id' => -1,
    	'staff_id' => -1
    $appointments = $birchschedule->model->booking->query_appointments($criteria, array());
    foreach($appointments as $appointment) {


    As for version 2.9, please use the following code.

    global $birchschedule, $birchpress;
    $start = $birchpress->util->get_wp_datetime(array(
     'date' => '07/27/2014',
     'time' => 0
    $start = $start->format('U');
    $end = $birchpress->util->get_wp_datetime(array(
     'date' => '07/29/2014',
     'time' => 0
    $end = $end->format('U');
    $criteria = array(
    	'start' => $start,
    	'end' => $end,
    	'location_id' => -1,
    	'staff_id' => -1
    $appointments = $birchschedule->model->booking->query_appointments($criteria, array());
    foreach($appointments as $appointment) {

    Grüne Erde GmbH


    We’re having the exact same issue of the extreme long page loading time. The page loading takes almost 10 seconds where birchpress is active: http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/dguG3x/http://www.grueneerde.com/info/shops/schlafberatung/

    We are using Birchpress since August 2014 actively and daily with about 30-40 appointments a month, 30 services in total in 15 locations in total. The Website is almost exclusively being used for the birchpress functionality and is running more or less alone on an Ubuntu VPS with 6 GB RAM, we don’t have much traffic either on that machine.

    Most apparently and with over 12.737 post meta entries we now have, the issue seem to be due to old appointments. and an extreme long page loading time.

    Plus, the WP PLugin Performance Profiler gave a whopping 72% Performance cost: BirchPress Scheduler Business Plus – 0.8451 sec – 72.05%

    What can I do? I pasted the php code you supplied under Setting -> Custom Code -> PHP, but I don’t really know how I am supposed to use that snippet?

    I would appreciate some help, cause right now is not really bearable.

    Thanks, Marc



    We use WordPress API to store appointment data. That is, all data is saved in the wp_posts and wp_postmeta tables. As the wp_postmeta table cannot have index on the meta_value column(By WP design), it may hurt database performance if there are tons of appointments and database is not well-tuned.
    We are busy rewriting the plugin. In the future version, appointment data will be moved to separate tables which are well designed to improve performance greatly.


    Grüne Erde GmbH

    I understand, Looking forward for that new version.

    But till then we still have our slow loading website situation to fix: Could you please explain how I am supposed to use the mentioned PHP code you supplied? Or is the only solution to delete manually 10.000 db entries in the wp_postmeta table?
    Thanks, Marc


    Grüne Erde GmbH

    Any news?


    Jonathan Perrotta

    I’m having the same problem, but I barely have appointments given, and it’s taking more than a minute to load. I have a dedicated server just for this, and its the only functionality the site has.
    It’s unacceptable.
    Please, any news?
    Anything we can do to make the load time better?

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