High database usage

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Scheduler Forums BirchPress Scheduler High database usage

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Destin 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #36834

    Niels Kersic


    For quite some time we have noticed that the database usage for our Birchpress application is quite high, although it never led to problems.

    However, we received a notification from our hosting provider last week that the resource usage was way too much and they might shut us off if we couldn’t get it back to within acceptable limits.

    We made a copy of the installation and disabled all plugins. We also removed our child theme, which contained a lot of custom code. Upon re-enabling the plugins individually, we noticed the spike immediately returned when Birchpress was activated.

    Obviously we would like to fix this, as we are under pressure from our hosting provider as well.

    FYI: We are not running the latest versions of Birchpress and WordPress. They’re at versions 2.9.42.BP and 4.9.9. respectively. As of right now, we are not able to update because of compatibility issues with custom code and other plugins, unless it’s absolutely necessary in resolving the usage problem.

    We have emailed Birchpress support twice in the last week, but we still have not received a response from them, so that’s why we’re posting our problem here.

    Graph of the resource usage over 24 hours



    I’ve had similar issues where the Birchpress queries and crashing my site from time to time…. awaiting a response.

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