Customer Code

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Scheduler Forums BirchPress Scheduler Customer Code

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  support 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #4723

    Gustavo Rubio

    BirchPress Scheduler look great, I wonder if it can generate a Consecutive Customer Code using the Name and Last Name fields, to give the Customer a Unique Code.

    If name is “Name LastName”, the customer will receive something like this:

    “Thanks for schedule your Appoinment, your Code is namlas003”
    “Thanks for schedule your Appoinment, your Code is namlas004”

    And so on…

    It is possible to do it? and, if it is, how difficult would be?

    Thanks in advance.



    Hi Gustavo,

    What is the Unique code for? Will you send it out through email? Do you want to save it in db?


    Gustavo Rubio


    Must be in the email the customer should receive upon confirmation and follow-up.

    And Must be saved to database, I guess.

    I need that unique code for customers to pay in a Bank and use it as a reference to identify payment in their behalf in the bank deposits report.

    I guess you already use an unique ID for entries in the database. If this is the case, I may use just that ID (without letters from the customer’s name) retrieved from the database.

    How can I add that ID entry in a field to use it in the email?

    I have no programmer knowledge, but I think this last options is easier than my original question, because doesn’t need new code…. I am right?

    But, a calculation field option would be great!

    Thanks for your response.



    Hi Gustavo,

    Sorry for the late response.

    You can customize the confirmation message and show a unique appointment id to your customers with the Pro Business edition.


    Gustavo Rubio

    OK. Thanks for your answer.

    May I understand that the code will appear ONLY in the sent mail or may be displayed in the “thank you” message?

    Which tags or shortcodes may be used to show the 2 first letters of a field info entered by the customer and/or how will be calculated/generated that Unique Appointment ID?

    Which tag will be used to call the value of the ID in the mail form?

    I’ve been playing with the demo and I can’t find an option to set prices to appear and update upon choices of visitors.

    I can use the {deposit} tag to use in the mail, but, It is possible to multiply the Deposit Value by other value? I can’t find that option.

    This is the real scenario:

    We offer one service in two categories with different prices, say:

    Adults $120
    Kids $ 85

    I can define a couple of fields to select how many adultos and/or kids will be appointed. It is possible with the current options to calculate the {deposit} as a multiplication of the prices by the number(s) selected by the customers in the form?

    I imagine that that can be achieved with custom code in the setting’s code section, but have no idea how. =(

    I apologize if these are dumb questions but I like the form creation options and display of your plugin and want to be positive about its usefulness before buying.



    All your requirements need custom coding. They are not supported by default.

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