Custom Booking Times for Different Treatments?

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Scheduler Forums BirchPress Scheduler Custom Booking Times for Different Treatments?

This topic contains 14 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  support 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi there,

    Prospective purchaser here.

    I do mostly 90 minute massages and have set appointment times throughout the day at 9am, 11am, 1pm and 3pm. However, I also offer 60 minute treatments as well (though don’t do a lot) and with these bookings I usually try and schedule them on the half hour wherever possible e.g. 9.30am, 11:30am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm. This is so that they finish a half hour before my next appointment, which is ‘usually’ a 90minute session at either 11, 1, or 3. Most of the time this works out efficiently for me time-wise.

    Anyway, my question is…

    Can I have custom treatment start times for my 60 minute and 90 minute massages?

    Thanks for your help. Look forward to the PayPal integration as well. 🙂



    Wondering if this would be possible with the ‘set the length of time slot’ option in the Pro Business version?




    In your case, you can use padding time to solve your issue. For the 90 mins service, set the ‘after’ padding time as 30 mins. For the 60 mins service, set both ‘before’ and ‘after’ padding time as 30 mins. And for both services, disable the option of ‘Enable flexible appointment start time with’. It will work with our pro version, in which time slot is set as the length of service by default. But in the free version, it will not work as the time slot is set as 15mins.

    You can have a try in our demo website.



    Great. Thanks! 🙂



    That worked a treat, thanks. The other thing I would suggest in a future update of BP Scheduler is to make the client booking side ‘responsive’ so that it formats well on smartphones. My massage website is responsive and everything with the BP Scheduler looked great on my iPhone except for the available appointment times box, which got pushed off to the right off the screen in portrait mode. This does resolve in landscape mode due to the wider screen, but ideally clients shouldn’t have to adjust their phone for our sites to look good. Not the best user-experience. If it were responsive, the available appointment times could slot neatly underneath the date box, instead of to the side. That’s what I’d love to see anyways (in addition to the PayPal integration). Thanks. 🙂



    So I’ve been playing around with both the demo and the free version and I really like this plugin. The only thing that’s stopping me from buying the Pro Business version right now is that the appointment times are stuck to the right side of the date picker (in a table of some sort). Doesn’t work well on smart phones (portrait view) – the times get squished off to the right side.

    As a lot of my clients find/visit my site on their smart phone, I want their experience to be good / easy. I’m sure there’s a way to make the appointment times go neatly ‘underneath’ the date picker but I’m not a web designer and don’t know how to write the code or how much of a pain this is to do. Any thoughts / suggestions??? Thanks. 🙂



    The time box will be located below the date picker in the next version. It has been developed and is in testing stage. It will be go live together with Paypal integration and Calendar integration.



    Hey, that’s good news. 🙂 Is there a release date scheduled for the next version? Thanks.



    It will be at the end of April.



    The option ‘Enable flexible appointment start time with’ that you refer to above is that in Scheduler Pro? I can’t seem to find it. I suspect you meant to say the the option was in Scheduler Pro Business.

    Is that correct?



    Hi Ecoulter,

    Yes, it is only supported in Pro Business.



    Hi, this is kind of in the same field but I was wondering if its possible to have an appointment which has room for (10) people. And once 1 person buys the slot, there is 9 spots left.

    Is that possible?

    Thank you



    Hi Mickster,

    Currently there is no way to set capacity of each appointment. We will support class booking in the future.



    Alright. I have my finger on the buy button but I need to know how soon is this future? I need it for this summer as I have several clinics that can hold from 1-300 people and class bookings would save my life if it was done. You are also the best booking system that is french and this is exactly what I need.

    Thank you



    Hi Mickster,

    We will not be able to deliver class booking function within 3 months. There are some other features we will work on first.

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