Anyone using as shift-picker?

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Scheduler Forums BirchPress Scheduler Anyone using as shift-picker?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Marcus 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    I have an urgent need for an employee shift-picker, and although I recognize that’s not its intended function, the BP Scheduler plugin appears to have sufficient capability to do this.

    First question: is anyone currently using it for this purpose?
    Second question: I’ve set up a location, provider and service, but on my booking page the provider and service are not showing up under their drop down menus – and presumably that’s why no “shift” are showing up on the calendar. I can’t tell what I’m missing.

    Beyond that, does anyone have any tips for setting this up as a shift picker for employees? My WP site is set up so employees must be logged in in order to see the page, so I’m not worried about the general public.

    Thanks in advance for any help!



    Okay I figured out why the Provider and Service weren’t displaying (I had missed the “which locations provide” check box).

    But would definitely still appreciate any tips or lessons learned from those who might use this as an “pick your shift” tool for employees.

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