A few question

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Scheduler Forums BirchPress Scheduler A few question

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  support 11 years ago.

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    We have been playing with your demo site and we have a few questions that will help us to evaluate the plugin suitability for our proposed new business before purchasing.

    The business will be providing multiple training classes to school at their own location. We have a number of staff members that each provide a different training class. The schools need to be able to select a class, choose a staff member that is operating in their area and book a time.

    As we are likely to have 100’s of schools we do not want to set each school up as a separate location as this would mean we would need to add staff schedule for each school that is in their area.

    Ideally we would like to set a location as “Your School – Calderdale”, “Your School – Kirklees” etc and then assign staff members to the location area’s. Everything that i have mentioned so far i believe is possible from playing with the demo. The difficulties come with the custom field that we want to add. When the school selects the location we then want a dropdown list (that is in alphabetical order) that contains the different school names for that location.

    1. Is it possible to change the content of the dropdown list depending on the location selected?

    2. As the dropdown list content is likely to be large and changing is there anyway of adding a new item into the list at a specific location . ie add new school name as the 5th item in the list instead of adding it at the bottom. Essentially what we need to do is make the dropdown list be in alphabetical order. Manually doing this each time we add a item would be a pain with 100’s of items in the list.



    Thanks for trying our product.

    Currently there is no way to change the content of the dropdown list depending on the location selected.

    As a workaround, you can create a text field and ask school to input the name each time it makes an appointment.
    Or you put all these 100 names in one drop down field, and we can add the ability to sort the items alphabetically in the back end form builder and make it searchable in the front end booking form in the near future.

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