2 column responsive form

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Scheduler Forums BirchPress Scheduler 2 column responsive form

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Maidu 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #29620

    Daniel Kacvinski

    Question is I have used the code to make my form 2 columns on the page but when viewed on my iPhone 6 the form is not responsive and does not go into one column, the 2 columns overlap.

    Is there a way to make the 2 coulmn form responsive so when viewed on a mobile device it becomes 1 column?


    Daniel Kacvinski

    forgot to give you URL for site : http://featherlashandbrow.com/book/



    Hi Daniel,

    If most of your customers use mobile devices for bookings, we suggest you using one column form. Two column form is not well supported on mobile devices.


    Daniel Kacvinski


    With that is there a way to center the form on the page? When I make it one column it goes flush left and the client would like it centered on the page



    Hi Daniel,

    There could be. Please submit a ticket and share me the link to your booking page.


    John Budz

    I too am interested in making my form a 2 column layout. I can control the responsiveness via CSS media queries, but the current markup won’t allow for it to be broken into 2 separate columns. Any chance this can be done by customizing the HTML?

    I realize a plugin update would overwrite the change, but I could always put it back in this event.



    Add this to you’r functions.php

    add_filter(‘birchschedule_booking_form_fields’, ‘birchschedule_cc_booking_form_fields’, 30);

    function birchschedule_cc_booking_form_fields($html) {
    return str_replace(‘<li class=”birs_form_field birs_client_section” >’, ‘

      <li class=”birs_form_field birs_client_section” >’, $html);

      Now you have two column layout.
      CSS for this:

      #birs_appointment_form > div > ul:first-of-type {
      float: left;
      width: 30%;

      #birs_appointment_form > div > ul:last-of-type {
      float: left;
      width: 30%;



    I mean, this plugin sucks. Developers are cashing in hard and not providing ANY useful support and features. It’s just sad.

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