Custom PHP comments

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Scheduler Forums BirchPress Scheduler Custom PHP comments

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Luke 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #36082

    Rizen Croft

    Hi, i made standard-comments in the php-custom-code-box.
    like <!– –>
    now, the page is white and i cant even enter wp-admin, just by renaming your plugin.

    is there a way, to exclude those php-custom-code for a while? I want to get in the backend to delete it!

    Thanx for your help!


    Rizen Croft

    ok, i could help myself in modules/ccode/package.php by changing the line return $code; to return ”.
    Its in the function called get_custom_code_php.

    its a bug of the custom-php-box because the comments dont work.
    the color of the code is changing while commenting out, though.



    Could you please submit a ticket about this problem?



    Currently it is not a full featured code editor. Block comments are not allowed.

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